In all, 3 results found.
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Festival Images

This autumn, look after your Image(s). Book now and take advantage of a catalogue of exclusive benefits! You'll be spoilt for choice (and spoilt for...

  •     Overnight stay
  •     Welcome pack with official printed catalogue
  •     A CHF 50 discount on the purchase of a unique piece of Images Vevey luggage (unique pieces from the 2020 or 2018 collection, while stocks last).
  •     Montreux Riviera Card offering free transport and numerous discounts on leisure activities
From 138,00 CHF per person

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Nox Orae Package

Founded in 2010, Nox Orae is a music festival on a wholesome scale. Its line-up stays well away from the all too common commercial routes. A...

  • 1 night stay in the hotel of your choice
  • 1 ticket per person
  • 1 gift per reservation
  • Montreux Riviera Card 
From 152,00 CHF per person

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Revue Vaudoise

La Revue Vaudoise est de retour avec une nouvelle troupe d'humoristes suisses à ne pas manquer ! Nathalie Devantay, Cuche et Barbezat, Jenny Lorant,...

  • 1 nuit dans l'hôtel de votre choix
  • 1 billet par personne pour la Revue Vaudoise
  • La Montreux Riviera Card
From 139,60 CHF per person

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